Alternative Treatments For Insomnia
Insomnia is a sleeping disorder in which a person has difficulty falling asleep. It causes them to stay awake for long periods of time, ranging from weeks to months. The situation is critical, and it is also affecting the person's mental health. From body aches to the impact on daily work, it all contributes to a person's weakness and leaves them covered in illnesses. All of this causes the person's health to suffer greatly. Insomnia can be caused by an imbalance or uneven force between the three doshas, according to Ayurveda.
Insomnia can be triggered by factors such as stress, food, or toxic substance consumption. The lifestyle choices one makes and everything in between contributing to being on guard even during the hours when they should be releasing all of the tension built up throughout the day. Insomnia is a serious health issue and one should not rely on temporary and potentially harmful solutions such as sleeping pills for temporary relief.
Ayurvedic Herbs to Treat Insomnia
The magic of Ayurveda can be seen everywhere, and it is also deeply rooted in its ingredients. The herbs are easily available in the market and are commonly used in the home.
Tinospora Cordifolia: the heart-shaped leaf has the benefit of boosting immunity, which helps in the reduction of sleep deprivation.
Ashwagandha: The plant contains trimethylene glycol compounds that aid and promote sleep. The well-known ayurvedic herb works its magic by calming the mind and relieving stress.
Jatamansi: Jatamansi's Tridosha property calms the nervous system. As a result, sound sleep has a sleep-inducing effect.
Brahmi: The well-known brain tonic herb acts as a calming herb and improves mental functioning. A cup of Brahmi brings sleep closer.
Insomnia Treatment Using Ayurvedic Principles
The oil dripping method on the forehead is a treatment in which oil and other liquid are dripped on the head for approximately one hour. The method is used to relieve stress and anxiety. It is thought to relieve tension, which in turn focuses on areas such as insomnia, and anxiety in order to relax the nervous system.
The treatment entails pouring the king of oils, coconut, into the nose. Since the treatment essentially works at the CNS level and has immediate effects to induce stress. The oil is intended to balance the three doshas, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. The treatment is reported to be daily nasal oil lubrication, which relieves tension and provides mental clarity.
The treatment that focuses on and stimulates vital mama points. The therapy massages the entire body and releases the body from all the points and parts that have been stiff for an extended period of time. As stiff muscles can be one of the factors that contribute to the occurrence of body pain, which can lead to difficulty sleeping.
The ayurvedic detoxification method cleanses the body from toxins and removes all physical and mental toxins that can cause insomnia. The treatment is thought to have healing detoxification methods that help with insomnia. The potent healing modalities enhance health while restoring the body's natural balance.
Ayurveda suggested remedies
Sleep schedule
It is important to maintain a regular sleep schedule, as it directly affects the entire body cycle. When you go to bed early, you get up early. That is why getting up before sunrise is said to boost productivity. Getting 7-8 hours of sleep can help you stay healthy and strengthen your immune system.
Healthy eating
You are what you eat. What one eats reflects on their inner and outer selves. That is why it is critical to eat healthy foods, as they can not only take care of their physical health but also can keep their mental health checked to lead to sound sleep.
Regular exercise
When the body is flexible and free of stiff points, they do not feel anything firm on any part of their body, which makes their body flexible. All of this contributes to making the body easy and comfortable with all of the pain points.
Sleeping problems are understandable in stressful times like today. Many people are plagued by the problem of insomnia. Ayurvedic medicine has solutions for all problems. As the Veda balances all the Vatas, the body heals from the root of the problem. Here at Nimba, you can sleep over your insomnia problem. We take a holistic approach to highlighting the problem and polishing the sleep cycle. With Nimba Retreat, you can experience the holiness of Ayurveda.
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